woensdag 23 januari 2013

My own design!


I'm so busy with school (I'm a law student), that I haven't had the time to post anything.
But now I so have some time and I wanted to share something with you!

I am so proud. I my first design is finished, I have a love for dresses and wanted my first design to be a dress and black.
I love peplum dresses/skirts. So that's why I decided to make one myself. I started by sketching what was in my mind.

And of course I made her look like me, a bit!
I already had in mind what I wanted my dress to look like.

 I wanted a balloon kind of skirt

A little bit of sexiness for the back

And I wanted lots and lots of colors due to the fact that my dress is already dark!

Okay okay I have to give it to you! I had a little bit of help my Mom is my "designer". Ohh man what she can do with scissors and needles and some thread. She made my dress and I made that drawing and THIS is my result. I wore it at my dad's birthday party and I may alter the dress in the future maybe go for less color but I don't know... maybe I will!

what do you think?
What do you think about the dress I made
pollcode.com free polls 

zondag 13 januari 2013

Insparation Chart

Do you ever go shopping and have your mind set on one thing in particular but come back with something totally different?
I for one get that a lot I had my mind set on that dress!! but I come back with 4 shoes, 2 belts and a pair of “hello kitty”socks I frankly do not need. but not that dress and along the way forgot to buy (those socks were too cute to resist ^ _ ^)
And I also forget many necessary things I wanted to buy in the first place. That's why I came up with a plan of my own. I thought it would be a great idea to make an inspiration chart!

Making an inspiration chart is a visual form of note taking.
Through the use of colors and images. I made this chart in paint and sent it to my phone.

When I go shopping this reminds me what it is what I came to find. It keeps me on track and keeps me from coming home with 4 shoes, 2 belts and a pair of “hello kitty”socks I frankly do not need. This system has helped me to keep my wardrobe in order and know what I need and do not need.

What do you think of the idea of an inspiration chart to help you go shopping?

zondag 6 januari 2013

My choice

This month purchase December/January
Now and then I'm on the airport of Amsterdam and I never buy a thing! 
Well this time I just couldn't help myself. I decided to buy this necklace 
by H&M and the bracelet is by River Island.
And this is how I rocked my jewels this month!